Employee Motivation

"Motivation is the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course of action, to push the right button to get desired action" 

                                               Micheal J. Jucius


The personnel factor or human resource is considered as the most vital resource in an organization. As per Namhoon (2009) human resource is the people who work in a business entity. For an effective operation of a firm, human resource is vital and present-day challenges and competitive background in the business environment, managers have a responsibility to recognize the potential of personnel factor while acquiring, training, developing and retaining them within the organization long-termly. This is formed the basis of Human Resource Management (HRM). In simply, HRM is referred as a philosophy, practice, procedure, program or a process which connected to the administration of employees within a firm (Armstrong, 2009). Under the umbrella of HRM, there are some important ‘Key Result Areas’ (KRAs) which refer to common sections of outcomes for which the HR department’s role is responsible. KRAs are fundamental responsibilities of an employee, the core sections which each staff member is liable. Human resource planning, administration of compensation scheme, performance management, human resource development, employee motivation, employee welfare, employee relations, employee health and safety and formulation of personnel procedures and practices are main KRAs in the HRM (David & John, 2002). This current blog is presented one of important areas of ‘Employee Motivation’ through contrasting sub sections.

Definitions to Employee Motivation

A simple definition to the employee motivation is provided by Dell & Twila (2005) as an intrinsic drive for acting in a given manner. The wishes, preferences and targets are called as those intrinsic drives in order to move in a specific direction in behavior. Thus, motivation refers as an internal state of mind, which routes behavior in the direction of the accomplishment of previously identified goals (Manzoor, 2012). More expanded definition to the motivation can be explained in a detailed manner. Dugguh (2014) mentioned that motivation is an intensity, direction and persistence of attempt an employee presents a grasping an objective. With a proper scrutinization of this simple definition, three elements have been found such as intensity, direction and persistence. The first element of intensity defines that a person’s hard tries in order to reach a specific goal. When we talk about the employee motivation, intensity is highly appreciated. Although, high intensity is unlikely to guides towards a positive job performance result unless the effort is channeled in a direction which is beneficial. Thereby, it clearly states that persistence is needed for the effort of an employee. This is a type of measurement of how long an employee can keep his or her effort. Finally, it is concluded that motivated workers are staying with a task long sufficient to achieve their goals and objectives.

Contrasting to aforementioned definitions to employee motivation, Pinder (2008) stated that motivation as a process that move organizational workers from distress to desire. This employee motivation has been relied upon technological, fundamental and organizational alterations. This is because, present-day generation is highly engaged with the latest technology and they are more practical once they deal with the customers and organizations further. Here, employees are preferring to perform under innovative organizational culture and definitely it will be enhanced employees’ effectiveness (Korzynski, 2013). Job satisfaction of a worker is reflected by the employee motivation. Because, once an employee is satisfied within the organization, he or she tends to deliver highest engagement to the work and once an employee became as a dissatisfied worker, apparently, lower performance and lower commitment to the work can be seen. Strong & Harder (2009) argued that better salary, sufficient training and position are experienced by an employee will be led towards increased job satisfaction within the organization. However, if organization does not offer adequate salary, training, position and other criteria for their employees, workers’ turnover rate or leaving percentage will be going up once decrease the employee motivation to stay within the organization with best performance. 


Armstrong, M., 2009. Armstrong´s handbook of human resource management practice. London: Kogan Page.

David, K. & John, W., 2002. Organizational Behaviour. London: Tata Mcgraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd.

Dell & Twila, 2005. Motivating at work. London: Free Press.

Dugguh, S. I., 2014. Using Motivation Theories to Enhance Productivity in Cement Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria: An Overview. The International Journal of Social Science, 20(1).

Korzynski, P., 2013. Employee motivation in new working environment. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(5), pp. 184-188.

Manzoor, Q., 2012. Impact of Employees Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness. Business Management and Strategy, 3(3).

Namhoon, K., 2009. Human Resource Planning. 1st ed. New Jersey: New York Publishers.

Pinder, C. C., 2008. Work Motivation in Organizational Behaviour. London: Psychology Press.

Strong, R. & Harder, A., 2009. Implications of Maintenance and Motivation Factors on Extension Agent Turnover. Journal of Extension, 47(1).



  1. Hi suneth. An organization is primarily based on goals and objectives. A motivated and satisfied staff is the main contributor to that. For this, the human resources management of the organization must be at a high level. (Kumar and Garg, 2011).

    1. The majority of the employees polled desired workplace cooperation. As a result, the vertical connection between subordinates and superiors must be strengthened through improved leadership patterns (Government Office: Effect of Work Motivation, Work Satisfaction, and Organizational Climate on Employee Performance, 2019).

  2. Motivation refers to the internal forces that influence a person's direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior. Productivity suffers as a result of a lack of motivation. Furthermore, a variety of signs may indicate low morale: decreased productivity, increased absenteeism and exhaustion, an increase in defective products, an increase in accidents, or an increase in waste materials and injuries. A motivated employee is a loyal employee, and loyalty indicates that the employee supports the firm's activities and objectives. The overall appearance of the job has an effect on an employee's willingness and quality of performance (Abbah, 2014).

  3. Work provides products and services, which represent the basis for a company's success (Steers, 1991), but it is also an important and highly central aspect in the lives of individuals (Hall, 1994) for several reasons. First, people receive some sort of reward, either extrinsic (like money) or intrinsic (job satisfaction), in exchange for their performance (Steers and Porters, 1991). The individual has certain personal expectations in terms of the form and amount of reward he/she
    must receive for the service rendered. As a result, the performance of a person, as well as the decision to remain in the company is influenced by the extent to which such expectations are met (Steers, 1991).

  4. Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs explains that employees when given the chance to make decisions can feel motivated. They feel a sense of belonging. Every individual was created differently by Almighty God. We have our distinctive differences. An employee might bring an idea in a perspective that leadership never thought of. The employee will only share such valuable information if given the opportunity to do so. Voice is a proactive, prosocial, and discretionary behavior rooted in (a) the degree to which an employee believes that voice behavior will be effective and (b) the degree to which an employee believes that he or she is safe from negative consequences that could result from speaking up (Morrison, 2011; Raub, 2018). Importantly, a growing body of literature has pointed to silence being the default behavior among employees (Morrison, 2014), meaning that employees often do not engage in voice, even when they have something to say.

  5. Hi Suneth! The term motivation derived from the Latin word movere, meaning to move (Kretiner, 1998). Motivation as defined by Robbins (1993) is the “willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need.” A need in this context is an internal state that makes certain outcomes appear attractive. An unsatisfied need creates tension that stimulates drives within the individual.

  6. The process of encouraging people to take the appropriate measures to accomplish their objectives or ambitions is known as motivation (Liu et al., 2021).

  7. Yes Suneth, One of the greatest challenges organizations face today is how to manage the turnover of the workforce that may be caused by the migration of a lot of industrial workers. This may be because of their lack of Motivation and commitment to the organization; this point of view emphasizes the importance of the study of Motivation and its relationship to Job Satisfaction (Prof. S. K. Singh & Vivek Tiwari, 2011).

  8. Yes Suneth, even the word motivation as per Vroom (1964) has been derived from the Latin word “movere” that means “to move” which refer to the internal force, which is dependent on the need of individual that drive ones-self to achieve (Tan & Waheed, 2011).

  9. Hi Suneth , well written , Bartol and Martin (1998), motivation a powerful tool that reinforces behavior and triggers the tendency to continue. In other words, motivation is an internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need and to achieve a certain goal. It is also a procedure that begins through a physiological or psychological need that stimulates a performance set by an objective.

  10. Interesting article , Every successful organization is backed by a committed employee base, and the commitment is the outcome of motivation and job satisfaction. It is the energy that compels employees towards organizational objective. It would be impossible for the organization to generate performance without commitment(Chandrakant Varma,2018)


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